Flowers for Algernon. Genre: science fiction. Author: Daniel Keyes
When you read the first pages of “Flowers for Algernon”
you think: “Oh! My English is improving, I have just used the dictionary once
in several pages!” however when you realize than the man that is telling the
story (Charlie Gordon, 37 years old) has I.Q. of 68, what`s mean his smart is
like a child about six years old, you are not so proud about your English
Charlie is used as an experimental subject and his brain is operated so Charlie get an awesome I.Q. 200!
In my opinion I`d define this book as Stunning!
Charlie is used as an experimental subject and his brain is operated so Charlie get an awesome I.Q. 200!
In my opinion I`d define this book as Stunning!
Description: Amusing, brilliant, entertaining,tragic,futuristic
Grade: 10
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